SYNOPSIS: FedEx / UPS Shipping Audits
What is it? Ongoing highly detailed, computerized audit of all FedEx and UPS shipping invoices to find inaccuracies, overpayments
What’s the benefit? Shipper is due back a percentage of shipping costs
Who is it for? Shippers who spend more than $100K annually on FedEx and/or UPS domestic shipments
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I want it overnight...no, I want it now... wait, how much was that??
We've come to love and rely on our friends at FedEx and UPS. Our UPS guy Frank, who delivers to our office, is almost like a member of our family...comes by daily, drops off a package, pets our puppy, leaves a note from time to time, sometimes even gives the puppy a treat...we love him.
Anyway, as much as you love and trust our friends at these two mega-companies, they do drop the ball from time to time...generally about 5% (ish) of the time. This is a surprising fact to most folks.
Both companies charge a myriad of miscellaneous fees for various types of deliveries...residential, commercial, etc. it's a mess and to say the least confusing and daunting. And, did you know that if they miss a promised (contractural) delivery time frame, they owe you money?
You are due a refund if they miss their window or make an error...One small catch...you have to request that money back!
So, in steps the BizAddicts of Apropos Communications...
We'll take your monthly (sometimes weekly) statements and run them through our systems and we'll find out where the errors in billing are. This is an incredibly complex operation...designed and built by long-time veterans of the shipping industry.
Just as every other service we provide, we audit the bills on contingency, and we gain share. Call us.
Anyway, we love you Frank...you rock. Mocha says; "Arf."
For more info or a free assessment of your business, call: (949) 272-5120 or write to: info@aproposworldwide.com
All of our savings and incentive programs bolster your bottom line, but programs such as the Virtual Payments Accounts Payable Solution actually create additional income by capturing rebates for your company, as you would, personally, with your own rewards credit cards.
You can calculate yourself what a single dollar of cost-savings represents in relation to generation of your front-end revenue. We often find thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars of cost savings with a myriad of our contingency-based, unique programs. Give us a try.
HELLO - WE FIND Tax Incentives
Our Tax Incentive Team of expert engineers, attorneys and accountants does only one thing…tax incentives. They are expert at it, have the studies perfected, and find millions of dollars of "hidden" tax incentive money for our clients every year.
☎︎ Schedule us for a complimentary 15-minute assessment call
We'd love to help you find some "hidden money." Click the "Let's Chat" button and schedule a 15-minute call with us at your convenience. 15 minutes is all we need to determine which of our many contingency-based programs you may be eligible for!
With the experience of more than 20 years in the cost-recovery arena, we are sure to find you some "hidden money."
Apropos Communications, Inc., DBA "We Find Hidden Money" is a ten-year-old Cost-Recovery Consultancy, incorporated in California in 2013, and part of a resource-rich collective of Consultant Advisors across the United States