SYNOPSIS: Commercial Property Tax Mitigation Audits
What is it? An audit of building’s assessed value based on neighborhood “comps”
What’s the benefit? High percentage of successful reduction in property taxes
Who is it for? Commercial building owners
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A taxing situation...but, we can help!
So, you own commercial property and you feel like you are paying too much tax, not only on your "real property," but on your "personal property." You business-oriented folks know what we mean and likely you're not dreaming.
We take issue with improper taxation. We will audit your tax situation on a contingency basis and when we find that you are over-paying, we'll share in the savings.
Outside of income taxes, the single largest recurring charge for commercial property owners are Property Taxes. In most states, owners are required to pay taxes on both their real estate as well as their personal property. These charges are often an immense expense and a constant hit to the bottom line. To be ensured you are not being overcharged on your Property Taxes, an industry specialist with extensive market experience in valuation, tax, and law should be retained.
History of the Program
As far back as 1796 there has been some level of property tax in the United States. By 1900, more than half of the states enacted clauses that required taxation of property. Over the past hundred years, local governments, municipalities, townships, school districts, and other bodies have enacted specific methods for the calculation of property tax in their jurisdiction. This has led to innumerable protests and legal mitigations that continue to this day.
Who Qualifies for Property Tax Mitigation?
Any Commercial Property Owner who pays over $50,000 per year in Real or Personal Property Tax is worthy of a free review to determine potential reduction opportunities.
What are the Benefits of a Property Tax Mitigation Study?
The immediate benefit is the reduction of taxes owed and the potential of refunds on prior taxes paid. The future benefits would similarly be a reduced tax burden going forward, producing an increased cash flow for the business.
Our Methodology
Our experienced team of professionals in mitigation, valuation, assessments, and law will work on your case to identify any potential opportunity for refunds and/or reductions in your current property taxes. We perform all the work on your behalf until savings are captured, including partaking in hearings and filing necessary paperwork. We act as an extension of your company toward the governing property tax bodies.
"Gain-share," that's what we're all about. We win-win together.
Let our team of long-tenured tax experts determine whether or not you are being treated fairly. Relief is just a phone call away...
All of our savings and incentive programs bolster your bottom line, but programs such as the Virtual Payments Accounts Payable Solution actually create additional income by capturing rebates for your company, as you would, personally, with your own rewards credit cards.
You can calculate yourself what a single dollar of cost-savings represents in relation to generation of your front-end revenue. We often find thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars of cost savings with a myriad of our contingency-based, unique programs. Give us a try.
HELLO - WE FIND Tax Incentives
Our Tax Incentive Team of expert engineers, attorneys and accountants does only one thing…tax incentives. They are expert at it, have the studies perfected, and find millions of dollars of "hidden" tax incentive money for our clients every year.
☎︎ Schedule us for a complimentary 15-minute assessment call
We'd love to help you find some "hidden money." Click the "Let's Chat" button and schedule a 15-minute call with us at your convenience. 15 minutes is all we need to determine which of our many contingency-based programs you may be eligible for!
With the experience of more than 20 years in the cost-recovery arena, we are sure to find you some "hidden money."
Apropos Communications, Inc., DBA "We Find Hidden Money" is a ten-year-old Cost-Recovery Consultancy, incorporated in California in 2013, and part of a resource-rich collective of Consultant Advisors across the United States