SYNOPSIS: Employer Hiring Incentives / WOTC
What is it? Feds reward companies that hire members of certain “classes” of individuals, i.e. “economically challenged,” veterans, ex-felons, etc.
What’s the benefit? Direct dollar for dollar tax credit of $1,200 to $9,600/hire
Who is it for? Any company that hires at least one employee/year
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Your opportunities are staggering...
OK, so money doesn't really grow on trees...BUT, one of the areas that most employers miss to get incredible tax benefits is in the area of Hiring Incentives. Don't leave this money on the table.
We keep up to date on hundreds of federal, state, local and private sources of hiring incentives. For instance, if you do business in downtown Los Angeles in the "Financial District," you cannot only benefit with federal hiring incentives, you can get additional hiring incentives from the city!
We'll find those benefits for you, wherever they come from and we'll ensure that each and every employee you hire is pre-screened so that you get the benefits you're due...each and every time you hire.
"We have an HR person...we're all set."
Professional HR folks are invaluable, but they cannot possibly keep up with the incentives that come from the feds, the state, the city and private sources. However, we do. Our expert team will find every Hiring Benefit you qualify for and greatly improve your tax situation...each and every year. For Example, we track and administer the federal Workers Opportunity Tax Credit...affectionately called WOTC...it rewards you for hiring.
WOTC is a Federal tax credit created by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 and the Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit of 1996. This credit is available to employers who hire and retain from target groups. Employers claim about $1 billion in tax credits each year under the WOTC program. There is no limit on the number of individuals an employer can hire to qualify to claim the tax credit, and there are a few simple steps to follow to apply for WOTC.
For more info or a free assessment of your business, call: (949) 272-5120 or write to: info@aproposworldwide.com
All of our savings and incentive programs bolster your bottom line, but programs such as the Virtual Payments Accounts Payable Solution actually create additional income by capturing rebates for your company, as you would, personally, with your own rewards credit cards.
You can calculate yourself what a single dollar of cost-savings represents in relation to generation of your front-end revenue. We often find thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars of cost savings with a myriad of our contingency-based, unique programs. Give us a try.
HELLO - WE FIND Tax Incentives
Our Tax Incentive Team of expert engineers, attorneys and accountants does only one thing…tax incentives. They are expert at it, have the studies perfected, and find millions of dollars of "hidden" tax incentive money for our clients every year.
☎︎ Schedule us for a complimentary 15-minute assessment call
We'd love to help you find some "hidden money." Click the "Let's Chat" button and schedule a 15-minute call with us at your convenience. 15 minutes is all we need to determine which of our many contingency-based programs you may be eligible for!
With the experience of more than 20 years in the cost-recovery arena, we are sure to find you some "hidden money."
Apropos Communications, Inc., DBA "We Find Hidden Money" is a ten-year-old Cost-Recovery Consultancy, incorporated in California in 2013, and part of a resource-rich collective of Consultant Advisors across the United States